1830 Anchored behind Pt. Conception at the Coho Anchorage. What a rolly polly place. Wind came up to 40 knots and you could hear the seas breaking at the headland. A 200' oil rig tender joined us for the night.
15' seas rounding Pt Conception, oil rig in sunset, "welcome to Southern California"
11/23/99 Tuesday, 0930 pulled anchor full of ribbon kelp as we had to anchor in the rocks. Wind down to 8 to 10 knots, sky clear. Happy to be under the lee of Pt. Conception and next stop Ventura. 1030 while we were engaged in what sailors do when they are happy to be alive and sailing in 65 deg. sunny days on a close reach at 8 knots ;-o we were joined in our moment of ecstasy by bottle nosed dolphins on both side of the cockpit "spying" at us! Not kidding! "bunch of voyeurs" Annie just loved that, it was hopefully a sign of good things to come.
1800 Entered Ventura harbour entrance, difficult to find and understand from nav. lights backlighted from shore. GPS was better than chart to position us for the entrance. We had never been there and the full moon had not come up high enough to see clearly. We could have made it on instruments alone but I had to use spot light to be "certain". Long and somewhat difficult trip but we are here and happy.
Joe,Spanky & Annie
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